Not every project goes as expected. For a variety of reasons, projects stall or veer off schedule, costs escalate, unforeseen conditions bring into question whether a project can even be completed, communication ceases and work grinds to a halt. May Residential professionals will get projects moving again so that the contract can be successfully closed out before litigation becomes necessary.

Whether a project is being delivered under a traditional contract, design-build, CM at-risk, unit price or other arrangement, May Residential can quickly assemble our team of specialists, send them to any project location and identify the root cause of the issues stifling a troubled project. May Residential provides the leadership necessary to solve complicated problems. We are not afraid to deliver bad news; we are not afraid of putting our reputations behind the decisions we make; and most of all, we are responsive and sensitive to the intricacies of troubled projects. We have solved many complex disputes as third-party experts. To get a troubled project successfully restarted, back on track, or completed, May Residential provides the following Project Rescue and Completion services:
- Snapshot audits of project progress and procedures
- Evaluation of a project’s costs to complete
- Preparation of completion and rescue CPM schedules
- Evaluation and negotiation of unresolved change orders
- Audits of approved and/or paid change orders
- Continuous progress monitoring and reporting
- Resolution of disputes and claims
- Contract administration and close-out
- Final payment determination and negotiation
- Commissioning and startup assistance
- Occupancy/move-in assistance
- Investigation of post-occupancy defects